PARIS4LOVERS / Amoureux2Paris
Saint Germain des Près, for lovers...
Saint-Germain des Près, is very popular but its best secrets remain well kept
Highlights of the tour :
Saint-Germain Square and its famous cafés, les Deux Magots, le Flore, Brasserie Lipp
The monastery - abbaye - founded in the VIème century, first example of gothic style in Paris and its romantic and coulorful paintings by Flandrin,
Place de Fürstenberg, romantic square set on the former monastery palace still haunted by Eugène Delacroix's souvenir,
The dingy village streets, rue Jacob and Bonaparte, with their many curiosty shops,
Beaux-Arts Academy district with its fine art galleries,
Balzac and Oscar Wilde memories...
Meeting point in front of Café des Deux Magots, place Saint-Germain-des-Prés,
ENC hôtel Atelier de Delacroix: 6 € ou 4€ (tarif réduit)